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Calathea makOyana

Calathea makOyana


Malachite taro (scientific name: Calathea makoyana E. Morr.): Arum is a perennial evergreen herb in the family taro. The plant is tall and straight, and the plant height can reach 60cm. The petiole is purplish red, the leaves are thin and leathery, oval, and there are dark green and white or light yellow feather markings on the leaf surface, just like the pattern on the peacock tail feather, so it is named. Leaves also have characteristics: stretch during the day and fold at night. Malachite taro is native to Brazil and has been introduced and cultivated in China. This species has rich and colorful leaves, strong ornamental, and is a shade plant with strong adaptability. It can be planted in the shade or roadside of courtyards and parks. More and more species have been applied to landscaping in South China. This species has rich and colorful leaves, strong ornamental, and is a shade plant with strong negative tolerance and strong adaptability. It can be planted in the shade or roadside of courtyards and parks. More and more species have been applied to landscaping in South China. It can be arranged in pieces, clusters or in combination with other plants. In northern China, it can be cultivated in the ornamental greenhouse for landscaping and viewing.