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Golden banyan

Golden banyan


Banyan is named for its leaf shape and color. Its leaf shape is lanceolate, oval, oval, wavy, twisted and so on. Its leaf colors are bright green, white, gray, red, light red, crimson, purple, yellow, yellow red, etc., and these leaves with different colors are dotted with ever-changing spots and stripes. It can be said that "red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, who practices dancing in the air with color", which is like sprinkling gold dots on brocade and color ink on rice paper, from which the name of golden banyan comes. Banyan is a foliage tree species with the most changes in color and shape in nature, which is extremely beautiful. A flat and medium-sized hotel with a luxurious conference hall; Small potted plants can also be placed on the desk and tea table in the bedroom and study, with exotic customs. Because of its excellent color and posture in the change of leaf shape and color, banyan is deeply loved by people in the application of leaf viewing plants. It is mostly used in the beautification of parks, green spaces and gardens in South China. It can be planted in clusters or hedgerows. It is cultivated in potted flowers in the Yangtze River Basin and the north, decorating rooms, halls and arranging venues. Its branches and leaves are ideal leaf materials for flower arrangement.