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Dieffenbachia camilla

Dieffenbachia camilla


Also known as white jade Dai powder leaf and powder Dai, it is native to tropical America, with a plant height of 30-90 cm. The flowers are upright, the internodes are short, the leaves are long and oval, slightly wavy, and the leaf surface is covered with various milky white or milky yellow stripes or spots. It is shade resistant, and the leaf color is green and graceful. The main cultivated varieties are Marianne, Kiki, golden sun, white jade, multi baby zebra, topaz, evergreen paradise, etc. Marianne is a perennial herb of Araceae, with fleshy stems, which are easy to sprout multiple small branches from leaf axils. The plant shape is plump and the plant height is 35 ~ 40 cm. The leaves are long oval, with sharp apex and slightly wavy margin. The leaf surface is covered with various milky white or milky yellow stripes or spots. The leaf color is full of green, and the leaf margin is about 1 cm thick green. It has the function of environmental protection, refreshing the indoor air and increasing the content of oxygen ions. It is often used for desktop decoration in study and living room.