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Jasper (scientific name: Peperomia tetraphylla (Forst. F.) hook et Arn.) It is a perennial evergreen herb of Piperaceae. Perennial succulent tufted herb, creeping stems, many branches, dense leaves, nearly equal size, with fleshy, with transparent gland points, broad elliptic or nearly round, blunt or round at both ends, thin and weak leaf veins, usually not obvious; Petiole short, spike solitary, terminal and axillary, inflorescence axis densely hairy; Bracts suborbicular, short stalked, peltate; Anthers Subelliptic, filaments short; Ovary ovate, berry nearly ovate, flowering from February to April and September to December. It is distributed in Taiwan, China, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, southern Gansu and southern Tibet. It is also distributed in the Americas, Oceania, Africa and tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. Born on damp stones or dead trees.