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Anthurium andraeanum Linden

Anthurium andraeanum Linden


Anthurium andraeanum Linden: it is a perennial evergreen herb belonging to Anthurium of Araceae in the class of monocotyledons. Short stem nodes; Leaves from the base, green, leathery, entire, oblong heart-shaped or oval heart-shaped. The petiole is slender, the Buddha flame bud is flat, leathery and waxy luster, orange red or scarlet; The inflorescence of meat spike is yellow and can bloom continuously all year round.
Candlelight is native to tropical rain forests such as Costa Rica and Colombia. It often grows on trees, sometimes on rocks or directly on the ground. It likes a warm, humid and semi cloudy environment and avoids direct sunlight.
The flowers and candles have a strange and beautiful appearance. The flowering period is long, suitable for potted plants, cut flowers or cluster planting and beautification in the shade of the garden.