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White palm (Latin name: Spathiphyllum kochii), alias: bract taro, plain sailing taro, peace taro, Lily intention, white crane taro, is a perennial evergreen herb foliage plant of Araceae. The plant is 45 ~ 60cm high, with short rhizomes, mostly clustered. Baizhang is an excellent foliage plant, which can be planted in the South and potted for viewing in other areas. White palm is an "expert" in inhibiting the exhaust gases exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone. At the same time, it can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air. Its high evaporation rate can prevent the drying of nasal mucosa and greatly reduce the possibility of disease. This beautiful indoor plant native to the tropical rain forest of Venezuela is undoubtedly a miracle in medicine and biology. Can remove: ammonia, acetone, benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde.