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Columnar Brazilian iron tree

Columnar Brazilian iron tree


Brazilian iron tree (scientific name: Dracaena fragrans, Latin scientific name: Dracaena fragrans), also known as Brazilian wood, Brazilian Millennium wood and Phnom Penh, is an evergreen tree of the genus Dracaena of Liliaceae, with a height of more than 6 meters, a potted height of 50 cm ~ 150 cm and branches; The leaves are clustered on the top of the stem, curved and arched, bright green and shiny, and the flowers are small, insignificant and fragrant; It is slightly resistant to shade and likes high temperature. If it is lower than 13 ℃, it enters dormancy and stops growing. It likes loose and well drained soil. It likes rotten leaf soil or peat soil when potting; Commonly used cutting propagation, cutting temperature requirements are high, like half shade and sufficient fertilizer.