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Water planted Pueraria lobata

Water planted Pueraria lobata


HuangJinGe (scientific name: Epipremnum aureum), a large evergreen vine belonging to the genus Unicorn leaves, grows in tropical areas and often climbs and grows on the rocks and trunk of rain forest. It has strong entanglement and developed air roots, and can be cultivated in hydroponic culture. Green pineapple is a negative plant. It likes scattering light and is more shade tolerant. It lives when it meets water. Because of its tenacious vitality, it is known as the "flower of life". The green branches and leaves that spread down are very easy to meet. Indoor cultivation, whether potted or water culture with a few broken stems, can grow well. It can not only be attached to the column made of brown, but also be cultivated into a hanging shape and placed in the study, windowsill, or directly potted. It is a beautiful flower very suitable for indoor planting.