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Garcinia subelliptica

Garcinia subelliptica


Phuket Fukushima, alias: Phuket, Phuket, Latin name: Garcinia subelliptica Merr Trees of garciniaceae and Garcinia, with tough and strong branchlets, thick leathery leaves, oval, oval, oblong or oval, sparse round or lanceolate. Flowers miscellaneous, male and female flowers usually mixed in - up, clustered or solitary in deciduous axils; Petals obovate, yellow; Ovary globose, style peltate, 5-parted. The berries are broad, oblong, yellow when mature, and smooth outside. They are grown in southern Taiwan, China and also cultivated in Taipei. Born in the miscellaneous woods on the seashore. This species is an ideal tree species for building windbreak forests in China's coastal areas.