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ficus lyrata

ficus lyrata


Ficus pandurata Hance (scientific name: Ficus pandurata Hance) is a small shrub of banyan in mulberry family, with a height of up to 2 meters; The leaves are papery, violin shaped or obovate, the surface is glabrous, the back leaf veins are sparsely hairy and small tumor points, the stipules are lanceolate, the banyan fruit is solitary, the leaf axils are bright red, the basal bracts are oval, the male flowers are petiolate, the perianth is linear, the ovary is nearly spherical, the style is lateral, and the stigma is funnel-shaped. It blooms from June to August.
It is distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui and Zhejiang. It is also distributed in Vietnam. Born in mountains, wilderness or jungle.
Banyan has high ornamental value and medicinal value. It is an ideal foliage plant in the hall.